Fun story about how this little guy entered my life simply four days ago (which doesn’t seem like a lot, but he was only 9 days old at the time, so we have to give him a little credit). Evitt and his mama Jessica came to a breastfeeding meeting I go to once a month. I was drooling from the moment I saw her holding that little bundle in her arms. She introduced herself and Evitt and all I could say was, “I have to photograph your baby!” Normally I wouldn’t just walk up to someone I had never met and say such a thing, but we all laughed and she was interested, so we set a date and here he is!
Beautiful Evitt only 11 days old.
Big brother Dylan was hanging out too and I couldn’t help myself.
I also saw this and I think it’s perfect for me.
I’m kind of a routine type of gal, comfortable with what she knows. I also know of a lot of things I don’t have yet (if anyone has seen my pinterest boards, you know!) including a huge lovely kitchen, an in-home photography studio and things like that. If I had stayed where I was, doing what I was doing, I would never get those things. I’m learning to step out into a brave new place, ask new questions and try new things. It’s the excitement of seeing where these new roads will take me that keep me from getting scared and turning back. I’m so glad I asked Jessica because with every session, I’m learning something new and I also have these beautiful memories for this family to cherish!
I dare you all to go out and try something you’ve never done and see where it takes you. (Now I’m not liable for anything you do that’s illegal or dangerous! Let’s be smart about this guys!)
I'm Emily! A silly newborn and family photographer,
car singer, baby snuggler, snackaholic mom serving the Maryland and DC area! Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to click around and check out all sorts of posts about my fun sessions, behind the scenes secrets and snippits of my personal life! Grab a cup of coffee and stay a while- or come hang out with me on your favorite social medias!