Sneak Peek!

Here’s a sneak peek of little Alex! He had those adorable falling asleep twitches that Jesse had, and I took complete advantage of those quick smiles. He was probably dreaming about Mommy and that yummy milk as he was falling asleep. Absolutely precious moments. I’m so glad I had the opportunity to capture these moments. I’m learning first hand how fast time goes!

This adorable hat was made by {My Sweet Knittings}

Alex’s brother Cristian was around for the session, I tricked him into getting in front of the camera for a few fun pictures.

I had a lot of fun with these guys. 🙂 Hope you enjoyed the sneak peek!

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I'm Emily! A silly newborn and family photographer,

car singer, baby snuggler, snackaholic mom serving the Maryland and DC area! Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to click around and check out all sorts of posts about my fun sessions, behind the scenes secrets and snippits of my personal life! Grab a cup of coffee and stay a while- or come hang out with me on your favorite social medias!


Chestnut Praline Oatmilk Latte!

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